What is the inverse of the given relation?

y= 7x^2 -3
A: y= +- square root x+3/7
Graph y= -4x^2 -2 and it's inverse.

The inverse of the relation y = 7x^2 - 3 is:

x = 7y^2 - 3
x + 3 = 7y^2
(y^2) = (x + 3)/7
y = ± √((x + 3)/7)

So, the inverse of the given relation is y = ± √((x + 3)/7)

Graph of y = -4x^2 - 2 and its inverse:
The graph of y = -4x^2 - 2 is a downward-opening parabola with vertex at (-0.5, -2).

The inverse of this relation is y = ± √((-x - 2)/4)

The graph of y = ± √((-x - 2)/4) will be two sideways-opening parabolas reflecting the original graph over the line y = x.