Origins n Belief of Islam (butler copy)

1. Middle East
2. The development
3. It means migration and marks the beginning the Muslim Era
4. He redirected the shine to Allah
5. True
6. Evangelism
7. It professed that there is only one God
8. Through the travels of his followers on Roman roads
9. Woman had the right to own property (if a husband or father sign it over to them

10. Islam spread initially through trade and military conquests

11. Muslims believe in the importance of prayer, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage to Mecca
12. The Quran is considered the holy book of Islam, believed to be the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad
13. Muslims believe in the existence of angels, prophets, and a final judgment day
14. The Five Pillars of Islam are essential acts of worship and devotion for Muslims
15. Muslims believe in the concept of jihad, which can mean a struggle for faith or a holy war in defense of Islam.