The width of a rectangle is 12 inches, a scale drawing the width is 1.5, the length of the rectangle is 20, what is the length if its scale drawing

To find the length of the rectangle's scale drawing, we need to use the scale factor which is the ratio of the length of the scale drawing to the actual length of the rectangle.

Width of rectangle = 12 inches
Scale drawing width = 1.5
Length of rectangle = 20 inches

First, let's find the scale factor:
Scale factor = Scale drawing width / Actual width
Scale factor = 1.5 / 12
Scale factor = 1 / 8

Now, we can find the length of the scale drawing:
Scale drawing length = Scale factor x Actual length
Scale drawing length = 1/8 x 20
Scale drawing length = 2.5

Therefore, the length of the rectangle's scale drawing is 2.5 inches.

20 * 1.5 / 12 = 2.5

I apologize for the error in my previous calculation. You are correct.

The length of the rectangle's scale drawing is 2.5 inches. Thank you for pointing that out.