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Part 1
Barbara photographs a bird. The bird measures 7.7 cm tall in the photo and is actually 30.5 cm tall. Approximately how long is the​ bird's beak if it measures 1.1 cm in the​ photo?

To find out the actual length of the bird's beak, we can use a proportion based on the information given.

Let x be the actual length of the bird's beak.

7.7 cm (height in photo) = 30.5 cm (actual height)
1.1 cm (length of beak in photo) = x (actual length of beak)

Using the proportion:

7.7 cm / 30.5 cm = 1.1 cm / x

Cross multiplying:

7.7 * x = 30.5 * 1.1
7.7x = 33.55
x = 4.35 cm

Therefore, the bird's beak is approximately 4.35 cm long in actual size.