1 inch/3 feet times 12.5 feet in inches

1 inch/3 feet = 1/3

12.5 feet = 12.5 * 12 = 150 inches

Now, multiply 1/3 by 150 inches:

(1/3) * 150 = 50

Therefore, 12.5 feet is equal to 50 inches.

How about

12.5 ft * (1 inch / 3 ft) = 12.5/3 = 4.167 inches

That is correct. To convert 12.5 feet to inches using the conversion factor of 1 inch/3 feet, you would multiply:

12.5 feet * (1 inch / 3 feet) = 12.5/3 = 4.167 inches

So, 12.5 feet is equal to 4.167 inches. Thank you for pointing out the correct calculation.