Create a Methodology about Effectiveness of having an extracurricular activities on the students public school ( Factors, Academic Performance , mental health and Social Skills)

1. Research Objectives:

- to determine the impact of extracurricular activities on students' academic performance in public schools
- to assess the influence of extracurricular activities on students' mental health
- to evaluate the development of social skills in students participating in extracurricular activities

2. Sampling:
- Random selection of public schools to participate in the study
- Stratified sampling of students from different grades and extracurricular activities

3. Data Collection:
- Administration of surveys to students to gather information on their participation in extracurricular activities, their academic performance, mental health, and social skills
- Interviews with teachers and school administrators to gather insights on the benefits of extracurricular activities

4. Factors to consider:
- Types of extracurricular activities available in schools
- Frequency and duration of participation in extracurricular activities
- Support systems in place for students participating in extracurricular activities

5. Data Analysis:
- Quantitative analysis of survey responses to identify correlations between extracurricular activities and academic performance, mental health, and social skills
- Qualitative analysis of interview data to gain deeper insights into the impact of extracurricular activities on students

6. Recommendations:
- Provide recommendations to public schools on how to enhance the effectiveness of extracurricular activities in improving students' academic performance, mental health, and social skills
- Suggest ways to increase participation in extracurricular activities among students

7. Limitations:
- Limited sample size and generalizability of findings
- Potential biases in self-reported data
- External factors that may influence the effectiveness of extracurricular activities

8. Ethical Considerations:
- Ensure anonymity and confidentiality of participants
- Obtain informed consent from participants
- Adhere to ethical guidelines in conducting research on students

9. Dissemination of Findings:
- Present findings at academic conferences and publish in peer-reviewed journals
- Share results with public school administrators, teachers, and policymakers to inform decision-making on extracurricular activities in schools.