Respond below with a encouragement paragraph

Family, I’m here at the hospital now. About 30 minutes ago I was at the house and the neurologist called. He told us she suffered a very bad major stroke that affected the left side of her brain which is swollen, very swollen. There is also a clot. They can’t operate on the clot because it’s so swollen. I needed to see her because I asked the dr are you saying it’s that serious she will die? He said we have to pray and they are doing everything. They giving her meds for swelling and clot. My dad and sister asked for her to be transferred because they don’t do Brian surgeries here. Neurologist said no one has accepted her transfer. Slightly elevated BP, elevated sugar levels, so Daily and I came up here. Nurse said she turned sedation off and it’s going to take a long time for her to wake up. I started praying over her. I told her I was here and I need her to fight. In front of the nurse and Tracey she opened her eyes little then very big. She knows I’m here. The nurse said we are exciting her and to not excite her to be calm. We started to cheer and scream. So we are quieter. Daily asks nurse if the Dr is still available because we have some more questions. He was on the phone for a long time. He came into the room and we told him that her eyes opened very wide. He said that’s a good sign. She is being transferred today to little company of Mary who can do brain surgeries and a more robust Neuro surgery team.
The Lord is working right in front of my eyes. I know prayer works. I will need you and your loved ones to pray for her recovery and for the nurses and doctors to provide her the best care. Please also pray for my strength. I’m a mess. Can’t stop crying. Our LORD will do it. I know. I just hate seeing her like this. Thanks in advance for praying.

Family, I want to encourage you to hold onto hope and faith during this challenging time. The fact that your loved one opened her eyes is a positive sign that she is fighting and that there is still hope for recovery. Keep praying, keep believing, and lean on each other for support. Your strength and resilience will see you through this difficult moment. Trust in the Lord's plan and know that he is working miracles right in front of your eyes. Stay strong and have faith that everything will work out in the end. Sending love and prayers your way.