why did qin shi huangdi order his people to build the great wall of china?

Qin Shi Huangdi ordered the construction of the Great Wall of China for several reasons:

1. Defense: One of the main reasons for building the Great Wall was to protect the Chinese states from invasions by nomadic tribes from the north, such as the Mongols and Xiongnu. The wall served as a barrier to prevent raids and invasions into Chinese territory.

2. Unification: Qin Shi Huangdi wanted to unify and solidify his empire, which was made up of several independent states. Building the Great Wall was a way to show the strength and power of the newly formed Qin Dynasty.

3. Control: The Great Wall also served as a way to control the movement of people and goods into and out of China. It acted as a border control, allowing the government to monitor and regulate trade and travel.

4. Symbol of power: The construction of the Great Wall was a massive and ambitious project that required a large workforce and vast resources. By building such a monumental structure, Qin Shi Huangdi was able to demonstrate his authority and ambition as a ruler.