How did Greek scientists change the way people viewed and understood the natural world

around them? How did common Greeks explain natural events prior to scientific
explanations? pls

Greek scientists, such as Aristotle, Archimedes, and Hippocrates, made significant contributions to the field of natural philosophy (science) and greatly influenced the way people viewed and understood the natural world around them. They conducted systematic observations, experiments, and reasoning to explain natural phenomena, rather than relying on superstition or mythology.

Prior to scientific explanations, common Greeks explained natural events through mythology and religious beliefs. They believed that natural events were the result of the actions of gods and goddesses, such as Zeus, Poseidon, or Apollo. For example, they believed that lightning was caused by Zeus throwing thunderbolts from Mount Olympus, earthquakes were the result of Poseidon's rage, and illnesses were a punishment from the gods.

However, Greek scientists began to challenge these beliefs by offering rational and natural explanations for phenomena. For example, Aristotle proposed that earthquakes were caused by the shifting of underground plates, and Hippocrates suggested that illnesses were caused by imbalances in the body's humors. These scientific explanations helped to shift the way people viewed and understood the natural world, moving away from supernatural explanations towards a more rational and empirical approach.

Shorter pls

Greek scientists changed the way people viewed and understood the natural world by offering rational and natural explanations for phenomena, rather than relying on mythology. Prior to scientific explanations, common Greeks explained natural events through gods and goddesses, attributing phenomena like lightning and earthquakes to divine actions.