the optians are


There seems to be a mix of letters and numbers in your options. Please provide more information or clarify what you are looking for so I can better assist you.

Fill in the box with the appropriate measure.

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r = 4 d = 6 A = 36π C = 18π

It appears you have provided values for the radius (r), diameter (d), and areas (A) of circles. Based on the information given:

Given r = 4, the diameter d would be 8.
Given A = 36π, and using the formula A = πr^2, the radius r would be 6.
If C = 18π, then the circumference would be 36π.

These calculations are based on the formulas for the circumference (C), area (A), radius (r), and diameter (d) of a circle.

what box do each of them belong

Based on the values provided:

- r = 4 would belong in the box for radius (r).
- A = 36π would belong in the box for area (A).
- C = 18π would belong in the box for circumference (C).
- d = 6 would belong in the box for diameter (d).

I hope this helps clarify where each value belongs in the context of the question.