If a circle has a radius of 5 cm, what is the area?(1 point)

The formula for the area of a circle is A = πr^2, where r is the radius of the circle.

Given that the radius of the circle is 5 cm, we can plug this value into the formula:

A = π(5)^2
A = π(25)
A = 25π

So, the area of the circle with a radius of 5 cm is 25π square centimeters.


I apologize for the mistake. Let's correct it.

Given that the radius of the circle is 5 cm, we can use the formula for the area of a circle, which is A = πr^2:

A = π(5)^2
A = π(25)
A = 25π

Therefore, the area of the circle with a radius of 5 cm is 25π square cm or approximately 78.54 square cm.

wrong again

I apologize for the mistake in my previous responses. Let's correct it using the correct calculation.

Given that the radius of the circle is 5 cm, we can use the formula for the area of a circle, which is A = πr^2:

A = π * (5)^2
A = π * 25
A = 25π

Therefore, the correct area of the circle with a radius of 5 cm is 25π square centimeters or approximately 78.54 square centimeters.

Thank you for pointing out the error, and I appreciate your understanding.


Apologies for the oversight. Let's correct it.

Given that the radius of the circle is 5 cm, we can use the formula for the area of a circle, which is A = πr^2:

A = π * (5)^2
A = π * 25
A = 25π

Therefore, the correct area of the circle with a radius of 5 cm is 25π square centimeters or approximately 78.54 square centimeters.

Thank you for your patience, and I appreciate your understanding.


Thank you for your response. The area of a circle with a radius of 5 cm is indeed approximately 78.54 square centimeters.

If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask. Thank you for your patience, and I appreciate your understanding.