2. Use the table to answer the question. A student records the temperature of several water samples as shown in the table. Other than the temperature, the water samples are the same. Which sample has the highest kinetic energy?

sample temperature (0C)
1 98.2
2 46.0
3 100.6
4 31.4

Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4

Sample 3 has the highest kinetic energy because it has the highest temperature of 100.6°C.

3. Which falling object will result in the most kinetic energy when it collides with the ground?

1 point
10 grams of water falling at 1 m/s
10 grams of dirt falling at 2 m/s
100 grams of water falling at 10 m/s
100 grams of dirt falling at 15 m/s
4. A student wants to determine the effect of mass on kinetic energy. She will drop two balls of the same size into a pool of water. Which investigation method should the student use?
1 point
She should drop two balls of the same mass from different heights.
She should drop two balls with different masses from the same height
She should drop two balls with different masses from different heights.
She should drop two balls of the same mass from the same height.

For question 3, the object that will result in the most kinetic energy when it collides with the ground is 100 grams of dirt falling at 15 m/s. Kinetic energy is directly proportional to mass and velocity.

For question 4, the student should drop two balls of different masses from the same height in order to isolate the effect of mass on kinetic energy.

5. Which characteristic is constant for the car as it travels around the roundabout?

1 point
Captionless Image

For a car traveling around a roundabout, the characteristic that is constant is the direction. The car is constantly moving in a circular path in the same direction around the roundabout.