Investigate the unknown values in the equation apower2−5=59. Which of the following statements is true?(1 point)


This equation has no solution.
This equation has no solution.
The variable a can be a positive or a negative value.
The variable a can be a positive or a negative value.
The variable a must be a positive value.
The variable a must be a positive value.
The variable a cannot be a negative value.
The variable a cannot be a negative value.

The correct statement is: The variable a can be a positive or a negative value.

To solve the equation a^2 - 5 = 59, we first add 5 to both sides to get a^2 = 64. Taking the square root of both sides, we get a = ±8. This means that the variable a can be either positive (8) or negative (-8) in order to satisfy the equation.