in this discussion you will discuss the changes that where brought to medieval society

During the medieval period, significant changes occurred that shaped the society of that time. These changes had wide-reaching impacts on various aspects of life including politics, religion, economy, and social structure.

One of the key changes that occurred during the medieval period was the rise of feudalism. Feudalism was a social and economic system in which land was owned by a lord and worked by peasants in exchange for protection and the use of the land. This system created a hierarchical society with clearly defined roles and responsibilities for different social classes.

Another important change that occurred during the medieval period was the growth of towns and cities. The increase in trade and commerce led to the development of urban centers where people could engage in various economic activities. This shift from a predominantly agrarian society to a more urbanized one had significant impacts on the social and economic structure of medieval society.

In addition, the medieval period saw significant changes in the religious landscape of Europe. The rise of Christianity as the dominant religion led to the construction of elaborate churches and cathedrals, as well as the establishment of monastic orders. The influence of the Church on all aspects of life, including politics and morality, was profound during this time.

Overall, the changes that occurred during the medieval period helped to shape the society of that time and lay the foundation for the development of modern Western civilization. The transition from a decentralized feudal system to a more centralized and urbanized society, along with the growing influence of Christianity, were key factors in shaping the medieval world.