What do they mean when they say draw a graph of the data by plotting the frequency (y-axis)versus the wavelength (x-axis) of each not played by the musician

When they say to draw a graph of the data by plotting the frequency (y-axis) versus the wavelength (x-axis) of each note played by the musician, they are asking you to create a visualization that shows the relationship between the frequency and wavelength of the notes.

Frequency is the number of vibrations per second and is typically measured in Hertz (Hz), while wavelength is the distance between two successive peaks of a wave and is usually measured in meters.

By plotting the frequency of each note on the y-axis and the corresponding wavelength on the x-axis, you can see how changes in frequency relate to changes in wavelength. This can help you visually analyze and interpret the data to understand any patterns or relationships between the frequency and wavelength of the notes played by the musician.