Analyze Indigenous resistance movements from the colonial period to the post-Revolutionary War period.

European colonizers in the Americas, on the whole, treated Indigenous people with cruelty. Mainly, Indigenous people did not fight back. The Pueblo Rebellion was the exception.

European colonizers in the Americas, on the whole, treated Indigenous people with kindness. Still, Indigenous people fought them. Examples of this include the Pueblo Rebellion and the fight of the Iroquois Confederacy against the Americans in the Revolutionary War.

European colonizers in the Americas, on the whole, treated Indigenous people with cruelty. The Indigenous people were never able to fight back.

European colonizers in the Americas, on the whole, treated Indigenous people with cruelty. These practices led Indigenous people to fight back. Examples of this include the Pueblo Rebellion and the fight of the Iroquois Confederacy against the Americans in the Revolutionary War.

Overall, Indigenous resistance movements during the colonial period and post-Revolutionary War period were primarily a response to the mistreatment and oppression they faced at the hands of European colonizers. The Pueblo Rebellion of 1680, for example, was a significant uprising against Spanish colonizers in present-day New Mexico, prompted by forced conversion to Christianity and other oppressive policies. The rebellion resulted in a temporary expulsion of the Spanish from the region, showing the power of Indigenous resistance.

Similarly, the Iroquois Confederacy played a key role in resisting American expansion during the Revolutionary War, forming alliances with the British in hopes of maintaining their lands and autonomy. Despite ultimately being defeated, the Iroquois Confederacy's resistance highlighted the ongoing struggles of Indigenous peoples to protect their lands and cultures from European colonization.

These examples demonstrate that Indigenous resistance movements during this period were a direct response to the injustices and violence inflicted upon them by European colonizers. While some Indigenous groups may have initially attempted to coexist peacefully with colonizers, continued mistreatment and exploitation often led to armed resistance and uprisings to defend their lands, sovereignty, and ways of life.

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European colonizers in the Americas, on the whole, treated Indigenous people with cruelty. These practices led Indigenous people to fight back. Examples of this include the Pueblo Rebellion and the fight of the Iroquois Confederacy against the Americans in the Revolutionary War.