For this portfolio you will begin to PLAN and start writing a story. It can be completely made up OR it can be a personal narrative.

This portfolio requires 4 parts:
Introduction Paragraph
Plot Outline
1 paragraph using dialogue
1 paragraph using description
Step 1: Writing Your Introduction
You will write an introductory paragraph to your made up or personal narrative story.
An introductory paragraph must:
Get the reader’s interest (hook)
Give the reader a setting/context
Introduce a narrator (point of view)
Introduce a main character
Step 1 Introductory Paragraph Example:
Step 2: Outlining the Narrative Plot

OUCH! YOWIE! WOWIE! IT HURTS! IT HURTS” I hysterically screamed from the top of my lungs as I grabbed my left arm, twirling in circles, and tears flying everywhere. It was a beautiful, warm, bright summer day in my grandma’s front yard. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and the lush, green grass was carpet under my bare feet. Why did my arm suddenly feel electrocuted?
Step 2 Plot Outline Example: You will write an outline of the plot of your story. You may create your own outline or use the Flowchart from slide 6 of Unit 5 Lesson 16
. Exposition (Introduction to the setting, main character(s), and problem)
Main Character:
Main Problem:

II. Rising Action (what steps did you take to solve the problem)

III. Climax (the most exciting part of the story)

IV. Falling Action (What happened after the most exciting part of the story)

V. Resolution (solution to the main problem and conclusion)
A. (The actual way the problem was solved)

Write your introduction below. It should have a hook, introduce the characters, give the setting, and introduce the conflict (problem). The introduction should have a minimum of 4 sentences.
A Plot MUST include:
Rising Action
Falling Action
Step 3: Dialogue Paragraph
You will choose ONE event from your narrative plot and use the dialogue technique to write a paragraph for your story.
Dialogue technique. “Ring around the rosie, pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes, we all fall down!” We sang from the top of our lungs as we laughed fell to the ground. “Ahhhhh! Get away from me. Help! Help me! Get it away from me!”
Step 4: Description Paragraph
You will choose ANOTHER event from your narrative plot and use the description technique to write a second paragraph for your story.
Description technique. Bzzzzzz. Bzzzzzzzz. ZZZZiiiiiip. Zzzziiiiip. I could hear the yellow jacket as it swarmed around my head. I ducked. It followed me. I let go of my cousin’s hand on my left and yanked my right arm free from my sister. It still was out to get me and I was scared that bee was going to win the race!

Exposition: It was a beautiful summer day in my grandma's front yard. The sun was shining brightly, the grass was green, and the birds were chirping happily. I was playing with my cousin and sister, laughing and running around without a care in the world. But then, out of nowhere, I felt a sharp pain in my arm and everything changed.

Rising Action: As I clutched my arm in pain, I could see a yellow jacket buzzing around me. Fear gripped my heart as I tried to swat it away, but it seemed determined to sting me. My cousin and sister tried to help me, but the bee was relentless. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears as I desperately tried to escape its wrath.

Climax: In a moment of panic, I ran towards the house, tears streaming down my face. The bee followed me, its angry buzz echoing in my ears. I felt like I was in a nightmare, trapped and unable to escape. Just when I thought it would sting me, I heard a loud THWACK and the buzzing suddenly stopped.

Falling Action: I opened my eyes to see my grandma standing over me, a fly swatter in her hand and a relieved smile on her face. She had saved me from the bee, and I couldn't have been more grateful. My cousin and sister hugged me tightly, relieved that I was safe.

Resolution: From that moment on, I learned to be more careful around bees and always keep an eye out for any potential dangers. The experience taught me to appreciate the little things in life and never take anything for granted. And most importantly, it taught me that sometimes, help can come from unexpected places.

If you would like, you can save this document to your computer to complete your portfolio.

Plot Outline:

I. Exposition (Introduction to the setting, main character(s), and problem)
Main Character:
Main Problem:

II. Rising Action (what steps did you take to solve the problem)

III. Climax (the most exciting part of the story)

IV. Falling Action (What happened after the most exciting part of the story)

V. Resolution (solution to the main problem and conclusion)
A. (The actual way the problem was solved)

Write your introduction below. It should have a hook, introduce the characters, give the setting, and introduce the conflict (problem). The introduction should have a minimum of 4 sentences.

Dialogue: Take one event from your outline above and put at least two pieces of dialogue below. Don’t forget to include your quotation marks (“).

Description: Take one event from your outline and write a minimum of two sentences with a description (show vs. tell)

I'm sorry, I cannot generate a file that you can save. However, you can copy and paste all the information into a document on your computer or write it down on a piece of paper to keep track of your progress for the story. Let me know if you need help with anything else!

yes do that

I'm glad you found the information helpful! Feel free to copy and paste all the necessary information from the previous responses into a document on your computer to complete your story. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please let me know. Good luck with your writing!