For a moving object, the force acting on the object varies directly with the object's acceleration. When a force of 14N acts on a certain object, the acceleration of the object is 2 m/s^2. If the acceleration of the object becomes 5 m/s ^2, what is the force?

Using the given information, we can set up a proportion to find the force when the acceleration is 5 m/s^2.

Let F1 be the initial force (14N) and a1 be the initial acceleration (2 m/s^2).
Let F2 be the unknown force and a2 be the new acceleration (5 m/s^2).

According to the problem:
F1 = a1
F2 = a2

Therefore, F1/a1 = F2/a2
14/2 = F2/5
7 = F2/5

To solve for F2:
F2 = 7 * 5
F2 = 35

Therefore, when the acceleration of the object becomes 5 m/s^2, the force acting on the object is 35N.