Use the image to answer the question. What is the area of the polygon? Assume that segments that appear congruent are congruent. (1 point) Responses 76 square units 76 square units 165 square units 165 square units 140 square units 140 square units 190 square units 190 square units

To find the area of the polygon, we can split it into smaller shapes to make it easier to calculate.

We can see that the polygon can be split into a rectangle and two right triangles.

The rectangle has a base of 10 units and a height of 6 units, so its area is 10 * 6 = 60 square units.

Each right triangle has a base of 6 units and a height of 4 units, so the area of each right triangle is 1/2 * 6 * 4 = 12 square units.

Since there are two right triangles, the total area of both triangles is 12 * 2 = 24 square units.

Adding the areas of the rectangle and the two triangles, we get:

60 (rectangle) + 24 (triangles) = 84 square units

Therefore, the area of the polygon is 84 square units.

Pick form that answer I gave you!

76 square units

no need to get hangry (angry)