Paul is going to have the exterior of his home painted. Painting USA charges $75.00 to come out and evaluate the house plus $25.00 per hour of labor. Upscale Home Painting does not charge to evaluate the house. However, they charge $40.00 per hour.

If it takes 25 hours to paint Paul’s house, the most cost effective company will be
a. painting usa
b. upscale home painting

The cost of painting the house will be the same for both companies if the number of hours required to paint Paul’s house is

a. 3 hours
b. 5 hours
c. 8 hours

To determine the most cost-effective company, we need to calculate the total cost for each company based on the number of hours required to paint Paul's house.

For Painting USA:
Evaluation fee: $75.00
Labor cost for 25 hours: $25.00/hour * 25 hours = $625.00
Total cost = $75.00 + $625.00 = $700.00

For Upscale Home Painting:
Evaluation fee: $0.00
Labor cost for 25 hours: $40.00/hour * 25 hours = $1000.00
Total cost = $0.00 + $1000.00 = $1000.00

Therefore, the most cost-effective company for painting Paul's house in 25 hours is Painting USA.

Now, to find out when the costs will be the same for both companies:
Let the number of hours required to paint the house be x.

For Painting USA:
Total cost = $75.00 + $25.00 * x

For Upscale Home Painting:
Total cost = $0.00 + $40.00 * x

Setting these two equations equal to each other:
$75.00 + $25.00 * x = $0.00 + $40.00 * x
$15.00 * x = $75.00
x = $75.00 / $15.00
x = 5 hours

Therefore, the costs will be the same for both companies if it takes 5 hours to paint Paul's house. So, the answer is option b. 5 hours.