Explain the impact of scientific ideas on Europe.(1 point)


New scientific discoveries initially were widely accepted, but they later were rejected for contradicting religious doctrine.
New scientific discoveries initially were widely accepted, but they later were rejected for contradicting religious doctrine.

New scientific discoveries initially were considered threats to religious views, but they later became widespread and accepted.
New scientific discoveries initially were considered threats to religious views, but they later became widespread and accepted.

Scientific discoveries were always considered threats, as they challenged religious doctrine.
Scientific discoveries were always considered threats, as they challenged religious doctrine.

New scientific discoveries were always immediately accepted.

New scientific discoveries initially were considered threats to religious views, but they later became widespread and accepted. This dynamic led to significant changes in European society, including the rise of secularism, the questioning of traditional beliefs, and the promotion of scientific inquiry and research. Ultimately, the impact of scientific ideas on Europe was transformative, leading to advancements in various fields and reshaping the ways in which Europeans viewed the world around them.

Investigate the concept of utilitarianism. Which example best fits the philosophical idea?(1 point)


If it makes me happy, then it doesn’t matter if it makes everyone else unhappy.
If it makes me happy, then it doesn’t matter if it makes everyone else unhappy.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

We either all succeed, or we all fail, no in-between.
We either all succeed, or we all fail, no in-between.

The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many.

The example "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" best fits the philosophical idea of utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is a moral philosophy that suggests that the best action is the one that maximizes overall happiness or well-being for the greatest number of people. In this example, the focus is on prioritizing the needs and interests of the majority over those of the minority in order to achieve the greatest overall benefit or utility.

What previous movement inspired the Enlightenment?(1 point)


the French Revolution
the French Revolution

the Scientific Revolution
the Scientific Revolution

the age of reason
the age of reason

the American Independence movement
the American Independence movement

the Scientific Revolution

The Enlightenment was inspired by the Scientific Revolution, which took place in Europe from the 16th to the 18th centuries. The Scientific Revolution was a period of rapid advancements in scientific knowledge, which challenged traditional beliefs and laid the foundation for the Enlightenment period that followed. During the Scientific Revolution, new ideas and discoveries in fields such as astronomy, physics, and biology paved the way for a more rational and evidence-based approach to understanding the world, ultimately influencing the thinkers and philosophers of the Enlightenment.

Which statement best summarizes the ideas of Mary Wollstonecraft?(1 point)


Enlightenment ideas were irrational and limited.
Enlightenment ideas were irrational and limited.

Women and men should both be educated, but not equally.
Women and men should both be educated, but not equally.

Women and men should be educated equally and in accordance with Enlightenment ideas.
Women and men should be educated equally and in accordance with Enlightenment ideas.

Women should be trained as teachers in accordance with Enlightenment ideas.

Women and men should be educated equally and in accordance with Enlightenment ideas.

Mary Wollstonecraft was a prominent Enlightenment thinker who advocated for gender equality and women's rights. She argued that women should have equal access to education and should be treated as rational beings capable of intellectual pursuits, in line with the principles of the Enlightenment. Wollstonecraft's ideas laid the groundwork for the feminist movement and continue to be influential in the fight for gender equality.