How to write minutes meeting

1. Start by writing the name of the organization or group that is having the meeting at the top of the document, followed by the date and time of the meeting.

2. List the names of the attendees present at the meeting, as well as any guests or observers.

3. Record any apologies for absence, noting who is not present and the reason for their absence.

4. Write a brief summary of the main topics discussed during the meeting, including any decisions that were made or actions that were agreed upon.

5. Note any deadlines or follow-up actions that were assigned to specific individuals or groups.

6. Record any important points raised during discussions, as well as any questions or concerns that were raised by attendees.

7. Include any reports or presentations that were given during the meeting, summarizing the key points and outcomes.

8. End the minutes with a summary of the next steps or upcoming events that were discussed at the meeting.

9. Ensure that the minutes are clear, concise, and accurately reflect the discussions and decisions made during the meeting.

10. Distribute the minutes to all attendees and relevant stakeholders within a timely manner after the meeting.