Which option best describes the long-term impacts of the Han Dynasty on China? Choose the best answer choice, and explain.


The Han Dynasty created precedents for Confucian government and meritocracy that were used by later dynasties.

The Han Dynasty conquered the Xiongnu in the northern parts of China.

The Han Dynasty established a pattern of Buddhist civil service examinations used by future Chinese governments.

The short-lived Han Dynasty only lasted 20 years before the Qin Dynasty took over, using the centralized government established by the Han.

The option that best describes the long-term impacts of the Han Dynasty on China is:

The Han Dynasty created precedents for Confucian government and meritocracy that were used by later dynasties.

The Han Dynasty's emphasis on Confucian principles in government, along with its establishment of a system of meritocracy, had a lasting impact on Chinese history. The use of Confucianism as a basis for government continued in later dynasties, contributing to stability and legitimacy. The system of meritocracy, where officials were appointed based on their abilities and qualifications rather than by birthright, also influenced future Chinese governments. These long-term impacts of the Han Dynasty helped shape Chinese governance and society for centuries to come.