Who sells and vascular and nonvascular plants are both able to get water but none vascular plants have different methods than vascular plants how are these difference is and how do they affect the height of plant

Vascular plants have specialized tissues called xylem and phloem that transport water and nutrients throughout the plant. This allows vascular plants to grow taller and have a more complex structure compared to nonvascular plants.

Nonvascular plants, on the other hand, do not have these specialized tissues. Instead, they rely on diffusion to absorb water and nutrients through their outermost cells. This limits their ability to grow tall and develop a complex structure.

The differences in water transport mechanisms between vascular and nonvascular plants ultimately affect the height of the plant. Vascular plants are able to more efficiently transport water and nutrients, allowing them to grow taller and develop a more complex structure. Nonvascular plants, on the other hand, are limited in their ability to transport water and nutrients, resulting in a smaller overall size and simpler structure.