Russia lost power in the 1900 due to

a combination of factors, including political unrest, economic instability, and military defeats. The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 was a particularly significant blow to Russia's power and prestige, as Russia suffered a series of military defeats against Japan. This war exposed the weaknesses of the Russian military and government, leading to widespread discontent among the Russian population.

In addition, Russia was also facing political challenges, with growing calls for political reform and revolution. The Russian Revolution of 1905, sparked by a peaceful protest that turned violent when Tsarist forces opened fire on the demonstrators, further destabilized the Russian government and weakened its hold on power.

Economically, Russia was struggling with industrialization and modernization efforts that were not keeping pace with other European powers. This led to widespread poverty and discontent among the working class, contributing to the growing unrest in the country.

Overall, the combination of military defeats, political unrest, and economic challenges led to a significant loss of power for Russia in the early 20th century.