Confucianism teaches that there are Response area types of relationships in society.


1. Ruler and subject – A harmonious relationship between the ruler and the people is essential for societal order and stability.

2. Parent and child – Respect and obedience from children towards their parents are emphasized in Confucianism.

3. Husband and wife – Mutual respect, loyalty, and harmony are important in a marital relationship according to Confucian teachings.

4. Sibling relationships – Siblings should show love, care, and respect towards each other in order to maintain family harmony.

5. Friend relationships – Friends should support and encourage each other, while also holding each other accountable for their actions.

6. Teacher and student – Respect and dedication to learning are important in the relationship between a teacher and student in Confucianism.

7. Elder and younger – Respect for elders and guidance towards younger individuals are emphasized in Confucian teachings.