Reread “Tipping Point” on page 118. In 2-3 sentences describe how someone can reach a tipping point in their lives.

Use the evidence for the text below to support ur answer
The point

when an object shifts

from one position

into a new,

entirely different one.

As in: My dad says the tipping point

of our country’s economy

was housing gamblers

and greedy bankers.

As in: If we get one C

on our report cards,

I’m afraid

Mom will reach

her tipping point

and that will be the end

of basketball.

As in: Today at the library,

I went upstairs,

walked down an aisle,

pulled The Giver

off the shelf,

and found

my tipping point.

Reaching a tipping point in one's life can occur when a situation shifts from one state to a completely different one. This can happen suddenly, such as a parent reaching their tipping point with a behavior, or gradually, such as discovering a passion or new direction in life that alters one's path. Just like how a small action, like pulling a book off the shelf, can lead to a significant change in perspective or course of action.