3^2/3 x 6√3^3 = 3^2/3 x 3^3/6 = 3^6/18 = 3√3

is this the correct way to solve this? explain?

Yes, this is the correct way to solve the equation.

To start, we simplify the expression within each side of the equation separately:
3^2/3 = 3^(2/3) = 3^(1/3 * 2) = (3^1/3)^2 = 3√3
6√3^3 = 6 * 3^(3/2) = 6 * √(3^3) = 6 * 3√3

Now, we can rewrite the equation with the simplified expressions:
3√3 = 3√3

Therefore, the equation is correct and both sides are equal.