Explain the function of a pseudopod.

A pseudopod is a temporary protrusion of the cell membrane and cytoplasm of certain types of cells, particularly amoebas and white blood cells. Pseudopods are used for various functions such as movement, feeding, and engulfing pathogens.

In terms of movement, pseudopods are used by amoebas to push and pull themselves along surfaces, allowing them to search for food and navigate their environment. White blood cells also use pseudopods to move towards and engulf pathogens or foreign substances in a process called phagocytosis.

Pseudopods are also important for feeding in amoebas, as they use these protrusions to surround and engulf their prey, such as bacteria or other microorganisms. Once the prey is trapped within the pseudopod, it is taken into the cell for digestion.

Overall, the function of pseudopods is to facilitate the movement, feeding, and defense mechanisms of certain types of cells, allowing them to survive and function effectively in their environment.