Alex weighs 85 pounds. Together, he and his sister weigh ten pounds more than five times the weight of his sister. What is the weight, w, of Alex's sister?

A) 85 + w=5w - 10; 25lb
B) 85 + w - 10=5w; 7.5lb
C) 85 + w=5w; 28lb
D) 85 + w=5w + 10; 15lb

Let's break down the given information:

Alex's weight = 85 pounds
Let w be Alex's sister's weight.

Together, Alex and his sister weigh ten pounds more than five times the weight of his sister:
85 + w = 5w + 10

By solving this equation:
85 + w = 5w + 10
Subtracting w from both sides:
85 = 4w + 10
Subtracting 10 from both sides:
75 = 4w
Dividing by 4 to solve for w:
w = 18.75

Therefore, the weight of Alex's sister is 18.75 pounds.
Answer: There seems to be a calculation mistake in the options given. The correct weight should be 18.75 pounds.