Transformations and similarly unit test

Transformations are a common technique used in computer graphics to modify the position, size, and orientation of objects. Some common transformations include translation (moving an object), rotation (rotating an object), scaling (changing the size of an object), and shearing (distorting an object).

When implementing transformations in a software application, it is important to write unit tests to ensure that the transformations are correctly applied and do not introduce any bugs or unexpected behavior. Unit tests can validate that the transformation functions produce the expected output for a given input, and can also check for edge cases or boundary conditions.

For example, a unit test for a translation function might check that an object is moved to the correct position when a translation vector is applied. Similarly, a unit test for a rotation function might verify that an object is rotated by the correct angle around a specified axis.

By writing and running unit tests for transformations, developers can catch and fix any issues early in the development process, leading to more robust and reliable software applications.