Who was most impacted by collectivism and the Soviet union

Intellectual and artist


Political leaders

Factory workers

Farmers and factory workers were most impacted by collectivism and the Soviet Union. Farmers were forced to collectivize their land and join collective farms, while factory workers were subject to stringent government control and labor conditions. Intellectuals and artists also faced significant restrictions on their creative freedom and were pressured to conform to the ideals of the Soviet regime. Political leaders were in positions of power and were able to benefit from the collectivist system, but also faced the risk of falling out of favor with the ruling party.

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Farmers were most impacted by collectivism and the Soviet Union. They were forced to give up their private land and join collective farms, leading to loss of individual autonomy and control over their own resources. The collectivization efforts resulted in widespread hardship and famine, particularly during the forced collectivization campaigns of the 1930s. Farmers were subject to strict government control and quotas, and failure to meet production targets often resulted in severe consequences. Overall, farmers bore the brunt of collectivist policies under the Soviet regime.