descriptive essay how my dreams become broken dreams

As a child, I had big dreams and aspirations. I dreamed of traveling the world, pursuing my passion for writing, and living a life filled with adventure and excitement. However, as I grew older, I began to realize that my dreams were slowly becoming broken dreams.

One of my biggest dreams was to become a successful writer. I would spend hours writing stories and poems, pouring my heart and soul into each word. I dreamed of seeing my name on the bestseller lists and receiving glowing reviews from readers all over the world. However, as I entered the real world, I quickly realized that making a living as a writer was much harder than I had imagined. Rejection letters began piling up, and I struggled to break into the competitive world of publishing. My dream of becoming a successful writer soon began to feel like an impossible feat.

Another dream of mine was to travel the world and experience different cultures. I dreamed of exploring exotic destinations, trying new foods, and meeting people from all walks of life. However, as I entered the workforce and started building a career, I quickly realized that travel was a luxury I couldn't afford. My days were consumed by work and responsibilities, leaving me with little time or money to explore the world. My dream of traveling became a distant memory, buried under the weight of bills and obligations.

As the years passed, my once bright and ambitious dreams began to fade into the background. Life's challenges and disappointments had taken their toll, leaving me feeling defeated and disillusioned. I began to wonder if my dreams would ever become a reality, or if they would forever remain broken dreams.

However, despite the setbacks and obstacles I faced, I refused to give up on my dreams entirely. I realized that while they may have become broken, they were not beyond repair. I began to take small steps towards reviving my dreams, whether it be by writing a few sentences every day or saving up for a future trip. I refused to let the setbacks define me or dictate my future.

In the end, my dreams may have become broken along the way, but they have not been shattered completely. I continue to hold onto them tightly, nurturing them and allowing them to evolve and grow. And who knows, perhaps one day my broken dreams will be transformed into something even more beautiful and fulfilling than I could have ever imagined.