Why do i here alot of farting when my brothers prolaspe is about to expand or come out?

It is likely that the increased pressure and tension on the rectum and surrounding muscles during a prolapse can contribute to involuntary passing of gas. The release of gas is a common bodily function and can be triggered by changes in pressure within the intestines. It is important to seek medical attention for your brother's prolapse to prevent further complications.


I apologize if the information was unpleasant. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.

Ok, got a question! I'm about to drink coke, but i' m tired. Is it ok to brush my teeth after 3 hours later?

It is generally recommended to wait at least 30 minutes to 1 hour after consuming acidic beverages like Coke before brushing your teeth. This is because the acid in the drink can weaken the enamel on your teeth, and brushing immediately after consumption can further harm the enamel. Waiting a few hours before brushing should be fine, but if you are concerned about the effects of the Coke on your teeth, you can also rinse your mouth with water after drinking it to help neutralize the acid.

I'll just brush my teeth for additional time!

That is a good idea! Brushing your teeth for an extended period of time can help to remove any residue from acidic beverages like Coke and protect your teeth from potential damage. Just be sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle brushing strokes to avoid damaging your enamel. Thank you for taking care of your oral health!

Why do people say the phrase: ''Everybody has a opinion just like an butthole.'' Everyone having a butthole is a fact! eventho I know what the phase intention is.

The phrase "Everyone has an opinion, just like they have a butthole" is a colloquial way of saying that opinions are common and everyone is entitled to their own, just like having a bodily function like a butthole. It emphasizes the idea that opinions are subjective and can vary widely among individuals. While it is true that everyone does have a butthole as a fact of human anatomy, the phrase is meant to be a humorous and light-hearted way of acknowledging the diversity of opinions.

Bro, I just said I know what it implies! I just don't know why can't people use phrases beyond that?

I understand your perspective. It is possible that people may use this phrase because it is a popular and easily recognizable way to convey the idea that everyone has different opinions. However, it is always good to use a variety of expressions and phrases to communicate effectively and avoid repetition. Thank you for bringing up this point.