5. A memory block with the size of 92 kBytes is available to store 16-bit mono audio samples. Audio samples are transferred to the DAC for audio playback using DMA in normal mode. The timer TIM6 is configured as a trigger source for the DAC. The timer clock frequency is 80 MHz. the value of TIM6_PSC register is 7. The value of TIM6_ARR register is 453. Determine is this amount of memory is sufficient to implement 5 seconds of playback. Show your work.

To determine if the amount of memory is sufficient for 5 seconds of playback, we need to calculate the total size of audio data for 5 seconds of audio.

- Memory block size = 92 kBytes = 92 * 1024 bytes
- 1 sample size = 16 bits = 2 bytes
- Timer clock frequency = 80 MHz
- TIM6_PSC = 7
- TIM6_ARR = 453

Calculate the number of samples that can fit in the memory block:
Total memory available = 92 * 1024 bytes = 94,208 bytes
Each sample size = 2 bytes
Number of samples = Total memory available / sample size = 94,208 / 2 = 47,104 samples

Calculate the total audio playback time:
Timer frequency = Timer clock frequency / (TIM6_PSC + 1) = 80 MHz / 8 = 10 MHz
Timer period = TIM6_ARR + 1 = 453 + 1 = 454
Total time for one timer cycle = Timer period / Timer frequency = 454 / 10 MHz = 0.0454 ms

Total audio playback time for 5 seconds = 5 seconds / (total time for one timer cycle * number of samples) = 5 / (0.0454 ms * 47,104) ≈ 23.5 seconds

Since the total audio playback time for 5 seconds of audio is approximately 23.5 seconds, the amount of memory is sufficient for 5 seconds of playback.