How should supporting evidence be presented in a conclusion?

Supporting evidence in a conclusion should be clearly and concisely summarized to reinforce the main points made throughout the argument. It should be directly tied to the thesis statement and key arguments presented in the body of the essay. It is crucial to make sure that the evidence is relevant and directly supports the overall claim or argument being made.

Additionally, supporting evidence in a conclusion should be presented in a way that highlights its significance and relevance to the reader. This can be done by emphasizing the key points and insights gained from the evidence and how it strengthens or further validates the main argument. It is important to tie the evidence back to the overarching theme or purpose of the essay to leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Overall, supporting evidence in a conclusion should serve to solidify and strengthen the main argument, leaving the reader with a clear understanding of the main points and insights presented in the essay. By effectively presenting and summarizing supporting evidence in a conclusion, the writer can leave a lasting impact on the reader and drive home the main message of the essay.