What would happen if there was not peaceful transition of power in an election?

If there was not a peaceful transition of power in an election, it could lead to political instability, civil unrest, violence, and damage to the democratic process. It may also result in a breakdown of law and order, increased polarization among citizens, and a loss of faith in the government and electoral system.

Furthermore, a lack of peaceful transition of power could have serious economic consequences, as investors and businesses may lose confidence in the country, leading to economic downturn and instability.

In extreme cases, a failure to peacefully transfer power could potentially result in a coup, civil war, or other forms of authoritarian rule, undermining the principles of democracy and the rule of law.

Overall, a peaceful transition of power is essential for upholding democratic norms, ensuring stability, and maintaining the legitimacy of the government. Failure to do so can have serious and far-reaching consequences for the country and its citizens.