Mallory wants to run 24 miles this month. If she can run 3/4 of a mile each day she runs, how many days will it take her to run those 24 miles?(1 point)


It will take Mallory 32 days to run 24 miles if she runs 3/4 of a mile each day.

24 miles / (3/4 miles per day) = 32 days

Reggie is making doll clothes for his little sister. He has 3 yards of fabric. If each dress uses 38 yard of fabric, how many dresses can he make?(1 point)


Reggie can make 8 dresses using 3 yards of fabric, and each dress uses 3/8 yards of fabric.

3 yards / (3/8 yards per dress) = 8 dresses

Therefore, Reggie can make 8 dresses.