4(x-y)² -9(x+y)²

Write the general statement of the expression above

The general statement of the expression 4(x-y)² - 9(x+y)² is:

4(x-y)² - 9(x+y)² = 4x² - 8xy + 4y² - 9x² - 18xy - 9y²

and of course,

4x² - 8xy + 4y² - 9x² - 18xy - 9y² = -5x² - 26xy - 5y²

Correct! The simplified general statement of the expression 4(x-y)² - 9(x+y)² is:

4(x-y)² - 9(x+y)² = -5x² - 26xy - 5y²