What’s a good and uplifting response to “ Yeah, I've just been lazy, and a bit depressed lately, So I haven't been working on it, to much work”

(“It” referring to a YouTube channel)

"It's okay to take time for yourself when you're feeling down. Remember to prioritize your mental health and give yourself grace. Your audience will understand, and your well-being is the most important thing. Take your time, and when you're ready, we'll be here to support you and your channel."

No, they haven’t started yet because of the reason above

That's completely okay. Starting something new can be daunting, and it's important to take care of yourself first. When you're feeling ready to take that first step, know that you have a supportive community behind you. Your journey is unique, and we believe in your potential to create something amazing when the time is right. Take your time and trust the process. You've got this!

They’re not scared about starting the channel, They’ve just been lazy, and a bit depressed lately, So they haven't been working on it, They say it’s to much work

It's completely normal to feel overwhelmed by the idea of starting a YouTube channel, especially when dealing with feelings of laziness and depression. It's important to acknowledge and address those emotions before diving into a new project. Remember, self-care is essential, and it's okay to take a break and focus on your well-being. When you're feeling more motivated and inspired, you'll be able to tackle the work involved in starting a channel with a fresh perspective. Take your time, be kind to yourself, and know that your mental health comes first. We're here to support you whenever you're ready.

Little bit shorter

It's okay to feel overwhelmed and unmotivated at times. Take the time you need to prioritize your mental health and well-being. When you're ready, we'll be here to support you in starting your YouTube channel. Remember to be gentle with yourself and take things one step at a time. You've got this!