Give 10 uses of allotrope of oxygen

1. Breathing: Oxygen gas (O2) is essential for human survival as it is used by our bodies for respiration.

2. Industrial processes: Oxygen is used in various industrial processes such as welding, metal production, and chemical manufacturing.
3. Medical applications: Oxygen is used for medical purposes, such as in oxygen tanks used by patients with respiratory issues.
4. Rocket propulsion: Liquid oxygen is used as an oxidizer in rocket engines to facilitate combustion.
5. Water treatment: Oxygen gas is used in the treatment of waste water and purification of drinking water.
6. Ozone production: Ozone (O3) is an allotrope of oxygen used in water treatment and in the production of pharmaceuticals.
7. Plastics manufacturing: Oxygen is used in the production of plastics and synthetic materials.
8. Glass making: Oxygen is used in glassmaking processes to increase the efficiency of the melting process.
9. Agriculture: Oxygen is used in aquaculture to increase oxygen levels in water to support fish and plant life.
10. Paper bleaching: Oxygen is used in the bleaching process of paper and pulp production.