Name five duties of a teacher and explain them

1. Planning and preparing lessons: Teachers must plan and prepare engaging and relevant lessons that align with the curriculum and meet the needs of their students. This involves creating lesson plans, gathering materials, and organizing activities to facilitate learning.

2. Establishing and maintaining a positive learning environment: Teachers are responsible for creating a safe, supportive, and inclusive classroom environment where all students feel respected and valued. This includes setting clear rules and expectations, managing behavior effectively, and promoting positive relationships among students.

3. Assessing student progress: Teachers must regularly assess student understanding and mastery of concepts through various methods such as tests, quizzes, projects, and class participation. This information helps teachers to identify areas where students may need additional support and tailor instruction accordingly.

4. Providing feedback and support: Teachers should provide timely and constructive feedback to students on their work in order to help them improve and grow. By offering guidance and encouragement, teachers can support students in reaching their full potential and achieving academic success.

5. Collaborating with colleagues and parents: Teachers are also responsible for collaborating with other educators, administrators, and parents to support the academic, social, and emotional development of their students. This may involve attending meetings, sharing resources, and communicating effectively with all stakeholders to ensure that students receive the support they need to succeed.