How will you resolve conflict amongst learners fighting over a textbook?

1. Step in and calmly intervene: Approach the learners who are involved in the conflict and calmly ask them to stop fighting over the textbook.

2. Listen to their perspectives: Allow each learner to explain their side of the story and why they feel the need to have the textbook. This can help you understand the root cause of the conflict.

3. Encourage communication: Help the learners communicate and find a solution together. Encourage them to express their needs and come up with a compromise that is fair to both parties.

4. Find a solution: If possible, provide additional resources or copies of the textbook to ensure that both learners have access to the material they need. Alternatively, create a schedule for sharing the textbook or find alternative sources of information.

5. Set clear expectations: Make it clear that fighting will not be tolerated and establish guidelines for sharing resources in the future to prevent similar conflicts from arising.

6. Follow up: Check in with the learners to ensure that the conflict has been resolved and that they are able to work together peacefully. Offer support if needed.