the comittee of public safety was formed during french revolution to:

The Committee of Public Safety was formed during the French Revolution to address various challenges faced by the new revolutionary government and to safeguard the revolution. The main objectives of the Committee of Public Safety were:

1. Protect the Revolution: The committee aimed to protect the gains of the Revolution and ensure its survival. It sought to defend the republic against internal and external threats and preserve the revolutionary ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity.

2. Suppress Counter-Revolutionary Activities: The committee had the task of identifying and suppressing counter-revolutionary activities. It implemented policies to eliminate opposition to the Revolution, including arresting suspected counter-revolutionaries and instituting a Reign of Terror to deter dissent.

3. Maintain Internal Order: The committee sought to maintain internal order and stability. It took measures to enforce laws, control public assemblies, and manage security to prevent civil unrest and maintain control over the country.

4. Mobilize the Nation for War: The committee played a crucial role in mobilizing the nation for war. It organized the Levée en masse, a mass conscription policy that required all able-bodied citizens to contribute to the defense of the republic against the foreign forces.

5. Implement Economic Reforms: The committee implemented economic reforms to address the economic crises faced by the revolutionaries. It centralized economic control, introduced price controls, and attempted to stabilize the currency to alleviate economic hardships among the population.

6. Oversee Revolutionary Justice: The committee oversaw the revolutionary justice system and established Revolutionary Tribunals to prosecute and execute individuals accused of counter-revolutionary activities or crimes against the Revolution.

Overall, the Committee of Public Safety was formed to consolidate the gains of the French Revolution, protect the revolution from internal and external threats, and ensure the survival of the revolutionary government.