two supplementary angles are angle/ABC = (3x + 25)° and angle/CBD = 32°. what is an equation to solve for x? the equation should be in simplest terms.

To determine an equation to solve for x, we need to use the fact that supplementary angles add up to 180°.

Given that angle ABC is (3x + 25)° and angle CBD is 32°, their sum must equal 180°.

Therefore, we can write the equation as:
(3x + 25) + 32 = 180

Simplifying this equation, we get:
3x + 57 = 180

Now, we need to isolate x by subtracting 57 from both sides:
3x = 180 - 57
3x = 123

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 3:
x = 123/3
x = 41

Therefore, the equation to solve for x is 3x + 57 = 180, and the solution is x = 41.