Which of the following is an ordered pair of the relation

y = − 23x + 6?

A. (0, −2/3)
B. (1, 4)
C. (3, 8)
D. (3, 4)

We can substitute the values of x and y given in each ordered pair into the equation y = -23x + 6 to see if it satisfies the equation.

A. (0, -2/3)
y = -23(0) + 6
y = 6
This does not satisfy the equation.

B. (1, 4)
y = -23(1) + 6
y = -23 + 6
y = -17
This does not satisfy the equation.

C. (3, 8)
y = -23(3) + 6
y = -69 + 6
y = -63
This does not satisfy the equation.

D. (3, 4)
y = -23(3) + 6
y = -69 + 6
y = -63
This does not satisfy the equation.

None of the given ordered pairs satisfy the equation y = -23x + 6.