Analyze the impact that major events have on immigration politics, as seen throughout history.(1 point)


A. Major events, such as wars and refugee crises, can sway opinions toward welcoming or excluding immigrants. For example, refugees to the U.S. after World War II found a more welcoming environment than refugees to Europe during the 2015 crisis did, despite the similarities between their situations.

B. Major events, such as wars and refugee crises, can sway opinions toward welcoming immigrants. For example, refugees to the U.S. after World War II and refugees to Europe during the 2015 crisis both encountered a welcoming environment due to their situations.

C. Major events, such as wars and refugee crises, can sway opinions toward excluding immigrants. For example, refugees to the U.S. after World War II and refugees to Europe during the 2015 crisis encountered an exclusionary environment despite their situation.

D. Major events, such as wars and refugee crises, can sway opinions toward excluding immigrants. However, refugees to the U.S. after World War II and refugees to Europe during the 2015 crisis both encountered a welcoming environment due to their situations.

The correct response is A. Major events, such as wars and refugee crises, can sway opinions toward welcoming or excluding immigrants. For example, refugees to the U.S. after World War II found a more welcoming environment than refugees to Europe during the 2015 crisis did, despite the similarities between their situations.

This response acknowledges the impact that major events have on immigration politics, stating that they can influence opinions either towards welcoming or excluding immigrants. It provides an example of how these opinions can vary, highlighting the more welcoming environment for refugees in the U.S. after World War II compared to Europe during the 2015 crisis.

What impact did the creation of the ECSC have on the economies of the individual nations involved?(1 point)


A. The ECSC lifted tariffs on certain goods between the six nations in the community. This helped their economies recover after World War II as it lowered the prices of necessary resources.

B. The ECSC lifted tariffs on certain goods between the six nations in the community. This hurt their economies after World War II as it lowered the prices of necessary resources and made it harder for them to compete with local sellers.

C. The ECSC increased tariffs on certain goods between the six nations in the community. This hurt their economies after World War II as it made the price of necessary resources skyrocket.

D. The ECSC opened the borders between the six nations in the community. This helped their economies recover after World War II as it increased the labor force at a time when they needed workers.

The correct response is A. The ECSC lifted tariffs on certain goods between the six nations in the community. This helped their economies recover after World War II as it lowered the prices of necessary resources.

This response accurately states that the creation of the ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community) lifted tariffs on certain goods between the six nations involved. This action helped their economies recover after World War II because it lowered the prices of necessary resources. The removal of tariffs increased trade and cooperation among the nations, leading to economic growth and development.

Analyze the relationship between the EU and the global economy.(1 point)


A. The EU is an example of an international single market system. This provides fewer barriers to trade between nations, especially those within the EU, and reflects the globalization of the economy as a whole.

B. The EU is an example of a national single market system. This provides more barriers to trade between nations, especially those within the EU, and reflects the globalization of the economy as a whole.

C. The EU is an example of a national single market system. This provides fewer barriers to trade between nations, especially those within the EU, and reflects the globalization of the economy as a whole.

D. The EU is an example of an international single market system. This provides more barriers to trade between nations, especially those within the EU, and reflects the globalization of the economy as a whole.

The correct response is A. The EU is an example of an international single market system. This provides fewer barriers to trade between nations, especially those within the EU, and reflects the globalization of the economy as a whole.

This response accurately describes the relationship between the EU and the global economy. The EU operates as an international single market system, which means that member nations enjoy fewer barriers to trade with one another and with other countries outside the EU. This integration and removal of trade barriers reflects the trend of globalization in the global economy, as it promotes the free movement of goods, services, and capital between nations within the EU.

Which statement explains how the U.S. and Europe emerged as economic centers of globalization?(1 point)


A. They invested money in other countries through the Marshall Plan.

B. They were selected by other countries to be leaders after WWII.

C. They were able to communicate easily with English as a lingua franca.

D. They practiced free trade, which allowed them to export goods around the world.

The correct response is D. They practiced free trade, which allowed them to export goods around the world.

This response accurately explains how the U.S. and Europe emerged as economic centers of globalization. By practicing free trade, these regions were able to export goods to markets worldwide, allowing them to expand their economic influence and become key players in the global economy. The adoption of free trade policies enabled them to tap into international markets and establish themselves as major economic centers, driving their economic growth and development.

Explain the role of the WTO in the modern economy.(1 point)


A. The primary role of the WTO is to regulate the trade of goods and services around the world. The organization also functions as a mediator exclusively for member trade disputes involving conflict.

B. The role of the WTO is to regulate the trade of goods, services, and intellectual property around the world. The organization also functions as a mediator for member nations when disputes other than trade agreements arise.

C. The exclusive role of the WTO is to regulate the trade of goods and services around the world. The organization also functions as a mediator for member nations to negotiate trade agreements and disputes.

D. The role of the WTO is to regulate the trade of goods, services, and intellectual property around the world. The organization also functions as a mediator for member nations to negotiate trade agreements and disputes.

The correct response is D. The role of the WTO is to regulate the trade of goods, services, and intellectual property around the world. The organization also functions as a mediator for member nations to negotiate trade agreements and disputes.

This response accurately explains the role of the WTO in the modern economy. The WTO serves as a global organization that regulates and facilitates international trade, covering goods, services, and intellectual property. It provides a platform for member nations to negotiate and establish trade agreements, while also acting as a mediator to resolve disputes that may arise between member countries. This includes addressing conflicts related to trade agreements or other trade-related issues.