Find the new triangle that undergoes a scale factor of 2.5 and a center of dilation at the origin.

To find the new triangle after a scale factor of 2.5 and a center of dilation at the origin, we need the coordinates of the vertices of the original triangle.

Let's consider an example triangle with vertices A, B, and C, with coordinates (x1, y1), (x2, y2), and (x3, y3) respectively.

To find the new coordinates of the vertices, we multiply the coordinates of each vertex by the scale factor. The formula for dilation is given by:

new_x = scale_factor * old_x
new_y = scale_factor * old_y

Therefore, the new coordinates of the vertices would be:
A' = (2.5 * x1, 2.5 * y1)
B' = (2.5 * x2, 2.5 * y2)
C' = (2.5 * x3, 2.5 * y3)

These new coordinates form the new triangle after the dilation with a scale factor of 2.5 and a center of dilation at the origin.