Which expression is equivalent to

for all values of a, b, and , where the expression is defined?
A. 60a^30
B. 23a^17b^22/c^4
C. 60a^17b^12/c^4
D. 23a^15b^12c^-4

To simplify the expression, we can multiply the coefficients and add the exponents of the variables.

Starting with the coefficients, 20 multiplied by 3 is 60.

Next, we look at the variables:
- For the variable "a," we add the exponents 2 and 15 to get 17.
- For the variable "b," we add the exponents 0 and 12 to get 12.
- For the variable "c," we add the exponents -4 and 0 to get -4.

Putting it all together, the equivalent expression is 60a^17b^12c^-4.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C. 60a^17b^12/c^4.