az state board of nursing has instructed me to take a drug test via hair follicle rather than a urine drug screen during an investigation on my nursing license is this appropriate

I am not a legal professional, but I can provide some general information. The appropriateness of a hair follicle test instead of a urine drug screen during an investigation on your nursing license may depend on the policies and regulations of the specific state board of nursing and applicable laws in your jurisdiction.

Hair follicle tests are often considered more reliable and can detect drug use over a longer period compared to urine drug screens. They can provide a history of drug use dating back several months. The decision to use hair follicle testing may be based on the severity of the investigation or the possibility of detecting long-term drug use.

It is important to consult with a professional familiar with your specific situation, such as an attorney or a legal advisor, who can provide guidance based on your circumstances and the regulations governing your nursing license investigation. They can help ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process.